Friday, January 6, 2012

Baking Supplies

A few days ago I was on a trip with my boyfriend to a town called Naperville. The downtown area was positively gorgeous, it's a lovely area with cute shops both with local shops and national chains. His mom knows that I absolutely love baking, and when I was up there over Christmas she mentioned a baking store I should check out, unfortunately, my mom and I didn't have time to check it out when we were there. So when I went to Naperville with my boyfriend I begged and begged for him to take me downtown--even though he was fighting a horrible cold. And when he finally agreed to take me (which really didn't take all that much to crack him) and I made sure we got to check out the store his mother recommend: Sur la Table.

I walked into the store and it's like I had walked into cooking Heaven. Everything you could ever imagine was presented before me. I feel bad because almost immediately I ditched my boyfriend somewhere in the store and began exploring. They had everything from pots and pans to cupcake holders with cute designs! They even had cute little cupcake delivery boxes! Sure things were a little out of my price range but that's also just because I am a poor college student. One day though, when I have the money, I am going to go on the BIGGEST shopping spree of my life there. Sur la Table, watch out, here I come!!


  1. I was JUST there. Naperville. Not the bakery place you're talking about. Where was THAT?! And, can you FedEx me some of those Almond Buttercream cupcakes? kthanksyou'rethebest

  2. haha yay maggie! you're the first to comment!! This just made my day =] And I would love to fedex some of those cupcakes to you but unfortunately they're all gone =[ which I guess isn't so bad!
