Sunday, January 8, 2012

Crafty crafts

So I'm sorry to say that I am not baking today BUT I did not want to leave you guys hanging with nothing new to read today so I will tell you about my latest baking adventure.

I have decided that since I have already been baking so much and now my baking has intensified I should have a respectable apron. I spent a solid hour and a half at Hobby Lobby yesterday looking at patterns and trying to pick out the best fabrics I could think of going well together. Let me tell you, something that seems so easy to everyone else is a difficult thing for me to accomplish, I am the most indecisive persons imaginable! But after what seemed like 10 years of going back and forth between this fabric and that fabric I FINALLY decided on two fabrics (even though the pattern calls for four--picking out two more would have kept me at the store far after it closed, and I'm fairly certain that's illegal.) So here is the pattern and fabrics, the light pink paisley is going to be the main part of the apron with the polka dots as the straps, belt, and pockets. Unfortunately I forgot to buy thread so you'll have to stay posted to see how it turns out!


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